Olney Nursery School

Olney Church Hall, High Street South, Olney, Buckinghamshire MK46 4AA.

Session & Fees



Early Starter – 8.30 am to 9 am


Offering busy parents the chance to start their day, while your child plays happily or snuggles up for some quiet time listening to a story

Morning Session – 9am to 12 o’clock


Fun is the order of the day and combined with our structured sessions it ensures your child will be taught the foundations they will need for lifelong learning. The children enjoy completing activities in their workbooks, learning their number and letters, pencil control and learning to read. They love sharing their achievements at the end of the day with their parents. Our popular cooking, music and dance, circle time, physical education, show and tell, preparing healthy snacks and gardening activities, all add together to create a very busy morning.


Lunch Club – 12 o’clock to 1 pm


This is a great social occasion for your child where they feel very grown up having a packed lunch with their friends.


Afternoon Session – 1 pm to 3 pm


The fun continues at Olney Nursery during our afternoon sessions. The children have access throughout the day to our Gruffalo inspired outdoor area, where they can climb into our treehouse, look for bugs and insects in our nature area, practice their gross motor skills with our outdoor toys or explore our themed tuff trays. 




All sessions at Olney Nursery are FREE with your child’s 15 or 30 hours free ‘Time for Two’s’ and the ‘Three and Four Year Old’s’ Free Nursery Education Grant funding. For children not in receipt of funding costs will be; Early starters £2.49, Morning sessions £14.94, Lunch club £4.98 and Afternoon sessions £9.96

Term Dates


Summer Term 2023

Monday 17 April – Friday 21 July

Half Term: Monday 29 May – Friday 2nd June




Autumn Term 2023

Monday 4 September – Friday 15 December

Half Term: Monday 23 October – Friday 27 October

© Copyright Olney Nursery School

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