Olney Nursery School

Olney Church Hall, High Street South, Olney, Buckinghamshire MK46 4AA.

Our Day

Our daily routines are flexible so that they can be tailored around making the most of the learning opportunities for the children attending Olney Nursery on any particular day. In each time frame period all the staff members have a specific and different learning and teaching objective for the children attending Olney Nursery.

Time Daily Routine
8.30 am

The staff welcome parents and children into Olney Nursery for our Early Starters Sessions. Children have the opportunity to play or snuggle up and listen to a story.

9 am

The staff welcome parents and children for our Morning Session. Parents are more than welcome to stay and share the Olney Nursery experience with their child. The children have a wide range of adult led and child initiated activities both inside and outside which they can freely access. Staff members also teach specific adult directed learning activities which are planned in advance for their individual key children.

9.35 am

All the children sit on the carpet for registration and to do the day of the week, the weather and our golden rule for the day. As a whole class the children participate in an activity based on our letter of the week. This involves music, songs and is very interactive as we teach the children their letter sounds.

10 am

In small groups the children complete a planned adult led creative activity which is based either on our letter of the week or our weekly topic.  The outside area is opened again and the children can freely access child initiated activities both inside and outside. Staff members also teach specific adult directed learning activities which are planned in advance for their individual key children. In line with our weekly planning the children have the opportunity to participate in adult led activities which are either cooking, nature walks, trips out in the wagon, music and dance,  physical education, show and tell or gardening.

11 o’clock

The children help to prepare a healthy snack and place cups and plates on the tables. All the children have snack together helping themselves to milk or water. The children all clear away their individual cups and plates. Parents can see our healthy snack menu for the week on the noticeboard at Nursery

11.15 am

All the children sit on the carpet for our whole class number activity. This involves music, songs and is very interactive as we teach the children their number recognition skills.

11.30 am

In their small groups the children complete a direct teaching activity in their workbooks. These activities are differentiated depending on the learning needs of the individual groups. The younger children will complete a similar activity with a member of staff where the planned direct teaching approach is ’hands on’.

12 o’clock

Story time on the carpet. Children who are not staying for lunch are picked up by their parents.

12.30 pm

The children all sit together with a member of staff to have their packed lunch. This is a sociable time for the children where, with help, they are learning to be independent.

1 o'clock

The children have a wide range of adult led and child initiated activities both inside and outside which they can freely access. Children who are not staying for the afternoon session are picked up by their parents.

1.45 pm

The children complete a planned adult led creative activity which is based either on our letter of the week or our weekly topic.

2.15 pm

The children join together helping themselves to milk or water. The children all clear away their individual cups and plates. Parents can see our healthy snack menu for the week on the noticeboard at Nursery

2.30 pm

The children have a wide range of adult led and child initiated activities both inside and outside which they can freely access. At this time of our day the children enjoying relaxing in the library area or outside, depending on the weather , selecting books of their choice to look at independently or to be read by a member of staff.

3 pm

The end of another busy, fun filled and structured learning experience at Olney Nursery.

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